operation with the participation of citizens.The consultant will be required to perform public relations and the participation of citizens, the Prime Minister's Office in accordance with the regulation concerning public opinion, b.e. 2548 to cover different aspects as follows: production and public relations media relationsThe consultant will be required to continue the production of press releases in both printed and audio-visual media in order to use it as a tool to communicate news and information. History and progress of the project and to create understanding about the project, the target group and the public informed, along with management, the mass media channels to disseminate the news towards the public. The following.(1.) print media activities, projects must at least include the following.– The essence of the project documents (Fact Sheet0 must contain news, information for distribution to project towards the audience at large, however, the 1,000-sheet number 3.– The brochure cover relations project to provide news and information and the progress of the project to the stakeholders. However, the amount of a minimum of 3 sets of 1,000.– Public relations document details the project so that the project information in a format that is beautiful. Are the content and illustrations, map, explain details about the project are published in the meeting to hear comments. 3 However, the 500 series.(2.) Board to include exhibition media publicity contents illustrations and maps that have been beautifully designed, simple essence and current understanding. For Davenport, Kaohsiung meeting to listen to comments. Number 3 times.(3) audio-video include a video meeting to listen to comments. 3 sets. To present and summarize the project consists of a slide. Images of 3D models (3D), animation (the Animation) and special techniques to provide information and understanding about the project. Length approx. 5 – 10 minutes in and report the progress of the project in a meeting with both the interim summary of the project in meeting the supervision patchim is prepared by a Master DVD, 3 plates. (4) website project to offer news, information, and a public relations project towards the public at large, by design and materials in various coverage and interesting. With illustration and tips and techniques to facilitate use by users can be linked to the Web site of the Department of rural roads.(5 2-way communication) by opening channels of communication between the two target groups with the project to exchange news with chocolate, listening to their opinions and suggestions from a broad audience, such as opening a p.o. box, etc.(Media jobs for 6) consists of various activities, such as media management to create a relationship between media and e-mail projects with mass media. To publish project information to the public throughout the project period, etc. work with the participation of the public and the press.The consultant will be required to continue meeting to listen to feedback from stakeholders groups that live in the project area, or the way, as well as the general public line number at least 3 times by will have to show to the public a correct understanding about the project that will be.Perform the Measures for prevention and damage suffered, people may get a consultant must summarize the collected public opinion against the project, and consider appropriate modifications, if it is to continue construction. The consultant will be required to propose a method and plan of action, in the opinion of the people, are consistent with the Prime Minister's Office regulation concerning protection check listen to public opinion, b.e. 2548, along with the press continued to build understanding and acceptance of support from the citizens in the area comprised at least. As follows:(1.) meeting to hear comments about the project. The amount of no less than three times, with a target of meeting attendees to hear from each of not less than 150 people consists of.– Orientation meetings (Project Orientation) to the public in the community and stakeholders to establish the correct understanding about the project.– Meeting of the interim (Interim Meeting) to report the progress of the project and the opinions of the people.– Meetings, patchim, Visual communication (Final Meeting) to summarize the results of the implementation of the project and create the accepted support from the citizens in the area.(2.) the meeting subset contains– Providing news, information, and in-depth interviews to acknowledge the problems and needs of the group or community leaders, opinion leaders, and plays a role in the project, and a group of stakeholders at least 20 samples.– Meetings with representatives of various prachatnoklum subgroups in order to create understanding and provide details about the project at least 20 times. If the project is likely to be challenged, or disagree a lot. Caused by impacts that occur per community. Ancient monuments society, schools, and places of worship, the consultants perform the following:(1) summary of operations, all prepared by the preliminary project feasibility study. Number 2 sets, as well as obstacles, and why the project cannot proceed. Presented to the Advisory Committee to consider outsourcing the project cancelled as mentioned above.(2.) if the opinion of the people. From the orientation meetings (Project Orientation) and interim meeting (Interim Meeting), as well as meetings with representatives of various subgroups, prachatnoklum with a resolution which, as the end that should not continue this project, wage disbursements, according to the actual operation of this. Check box.