1.5 the consultant group.Group consulting firm, and the company runs a limited magnitude consultant company base (the Lead Firm) was invited by the Department of rural roads to submit proposals. Project feasibility study and preliminary environmental impact projects, bridges, airports, water-based invitation number 0702/khok 13341 down November 8 2559.Group consulting firm, which consists of a consulting firm that has experience in all aspects of this project. It also has experience in feasibility study and detailed designs, so there is a good understanding of the details of such a project is a good example. Past performances are high quality and have been accepted by the owner, are the same. Consulting Group, hereinafter called the "company" or "Consulting Group, consultant" to make an offer, this time consisting of. The company runs magnitude consultant co., Ltd. Tesco co., Ltd.The consultant will share responsibility (Jointly and severally liable) operating under contract with the intention of this project. Using the technical expertise of the various group's personnel and consultants work with dexterity. Attention to duty to benefit Department of rural roads in the most effective manner Under the coordinating closely to make the work well done according to the intentions of the Department of rural roads in all respects.