work participation of citizens and the pressThe consultant will be required to continue meeting to listen to feedback from stakeholders groups that live in the project area, or the way, as well as the general public line number at least 3 times by will have to show to the public a correct understanding about the project that is to be re-launched.Actions. Measures for prevention and damage suffered, people may get a consultant must summarize the collected public opinion against the project, and consider appropriate modifications, if it is to continue construction. The consultant will be required to propose a method and plan of action, in the opinion of the people, is consistent with the regulation, the Prime Minister's Office regarding the public hearing process with all 2548 (2005) press continued to build understanding and acceptance of support from the citizens in the area comprised at least as follows:(1.) meeting to hear comments about the amount of no less than three times, with a target of meeting attendees to hear from each of not less than 150 people, the Counselor must obtain approval from the plan before the Convention every time contains.- Orientation meetings (Project Orientation) to the public in the community and stakeholders to establish the correct understanding about the project.- The meeting of the interim (Interim Meeting) to report the progress of the project and the opinions of the people.- Meeting patchim supervision (Final Meeting) to summarize the results of the implementation of the project and create the accepted support from the citizens in the area.(2.) the meeting subset contains- Providing news, information, and in-depth interviews to acknowledge the problems and needs of the group or community leaders, opinion leaders, and plays a role in the project, and a group of stakeholders at least 20 samples.- Sub group meeting with representatives of the various prachatnoklum to better understand, and provide details about the project at least 20 times.